
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem...

I have a problem. I tend to hyper-focus on things. Something will come along and grab my attention, and before I know it all I can think about is that something. All my energy, all my brainpower, and basically my heart and soul go into this one thing.

Near the end of my pregnancy, it was the nursery. I spent countless hours dutifully combing various blogs and pinning all my ideas onto my Pinterest Nursery board. At 8 months pregnant I painted an argyle pattern on one wall. At 9 months pregnant I stenciled a houndstooth pattern onto curtains. I had carpal tunnel so badly from the pregnancy that I couldn't feel my fingers on either hand, but it didn't stop me from attempting to put together (and almost destroying) the nursery dresser, and two shelving units.
I was so focused on the nursery that the thought of cloth diapering was merely a blip on the screen. An idea that seemed nice, but left as quickly as it came.

By the time the nursery was finished I was too exhausted from pregnancy to focus on anything in particular. Then the baby came and I was lost in the haze of new motherhood, feeling like I was walking underwater most of the time.

I had a brief, yet intense, love affair with baby legwarmers. But that cooled down a little after I ordered an abundance of them in an online shopping binge.

And then, someone in my May Mommy facebook group posted this:

Sweet Pea argyle print cloth diaper

From that moment on thoughts of cloth diapers danced in my head. A cute pattern will get me every time. I started to ask a few questions, do a little research, watch a few videos. It was a steep learning curve, but the slope was slippery, and in no time I was convinced that we had to do this. Coincidentally, and so very conveniently, I stumbled upon a local cloth diaper retailer (Tiny Tree Huggers, based out of Niverville, Manitoba) who just happened to be having a cloth diaper workshop within days of me making this decision in my mind. I convinced my husband to come, knowing that if he wasn't on board then this whole thing would be an uphill battle.  And surprisingly, he gave me the go-ahead.

I thought our transition out of disposables and into cloth would be gradual, but I was wrong. I stalked Kijiji and made my first purchase of three used cloth diapers (Fuzzi Bunz), then made a purchase of two more (Glow Bug and Baby Kanga) from a friend in my May Mommy facebook group. I had already bought two new diapers at the workshop (Apple Cheeks and Thirsties), and then took a trip to the AMP Diaper Store, a local producer and retailer, and purchased two more new diapers (AMP and Peachy Baby). Within days I had a stash of 9 cloth diapers, enough to get me through one day and a bit. And now, just a couple weeks later I have a total of 13, with another 14 on their way. Plus yesterday I started using cloth wipes.

I know it sounds excessive, but really I'm only going to have just over the suggested number of diapers to have if you only want to be doing diaper laundry every two or three days. And a lot of them are used. Plus, I'm saving us money in the long run. Plus it's better for the environment. And plus they're soooooo cute!!!!

Okay, okay, I might have a small problem. A mild obsession. But I can't help it....

I mean, I actually look forward to changing diapers. How many moms can say that? And I even kind of like doing diaper laundry.

And come on! Look how cute!!!

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