
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Grocery Shopping Pet Peeves

Seriously, what is wrong with people in grocery store parking lots?

I don't understand the impatient people who can't wait for me to finish putting my baby in the car seat, or clear out of the way, before they try to angrily maneuver their car in around me. Not only is this dangerous, but it's downright rude. I mean, can you really not wait the extra minute for me to get my child safely into, or out of, his car seat before you shove in with your vehicle? Or can't you just go find another stall if I'm not going fast enough for you?

And what the heck do they think they're doing when someone is simply walking by a stall, pushing a cart (and baby in my case), just trying to get into the store and they decide that they have to turn AROUND them to park somewhere instead of just waiting for them to clear the way? With winter here now, and all the slush and snow, heaven forbid someone slip as some jackass is pulling this little stunt and they end up running the person over.   

And not that this is dangerous, but while I'm on the subject of grocery store pet peeves, I will also mention the people who exit through the enter door. So flippin' annoying, especially when the person exiting out the wrong door has a gigantic cart, blocking the whole entrance and shoves their way through. If you're going to leave through the wrong door, the LEAST you can do is yield to the incoming traffic considering we are the ones using the proper door.

It's all good once I get in the store...I'm much too distracted by all the things to care much about what others are doing.

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