
Monday, November 19, 2012

Wear ALL the Babies!!!

So, I wanted my first babywearing post to be full of references, facts, resources...But all that was just delaying me from writing about something that I truly love. Maybe in the future I'll write a more informational post, but tonight I think I'm just going to mostly write about how I feel.

Babywearing is exactly as it sounds, in case it's not something you're that familiar with- it's literally the act of wearing your baby.

It seems popular, and almost fashionable, to wear your baby now as it's becoming more common to see it happen in movies (The Hangover) or TV (Guys with Kids).

I don't remember exactly how I was introduced to babywearing. Maybe it was a good friend who loves it too. Maybe it was a picture of some celebrity wearing their baby. Or maybe it was while watching The Hangover.

Anyway, it was a concept I had heard of and it was something I was sure I wanted to do from the time I find out I was pregnant.

My friend kept offering to lend me her woven wrap, but I was very sure I wouldn't be able to learn how to tie the thing and it would end in disaster with the baby on the floor. So I was set on getting something with straps and buckles.

My first baby carrier was a Beco Gemini. About two or three weeks after my baby was born, I felt I was quickly going crazy. I couldn't do anything with free hands because he wanted to be held All. The. Time. Part of me was more than happy to oblige, but the other part of me was starting to feel quite overwhelmed and maybe even a little depressed. The transition to being a mom is hard as it is, and not being able to move freely around, or use both hands, makes it even harder.

So I forced myself to go out (leaving the house was also overwhelming) and I went to check out some carriers. I settled quickly on the Beco Gemini because of the many options for carrying the baby (front, back, side) and that it was supposed to be good for babies 7 lbs and up without needing an extra insert to keep a small baby stable.

As soon as I strapped my baby into that carrier it was like I could see the sun again. I was hands-free! I could type on the computer! I could eat a meal! I could do some cleaning! I could demonstrate jazz hands!
But something else amazing happened too. I genuinely loved it. I came for the convenience, and I stayed for the closeness. He snuggled in, and I could feel him breathing against me. And he loved it too, because he would fall asleep almost immediately. That carrier became a Godsend. I could get things done, and when he was cranky I would pop him in there and he'd fall asleep. Perfection.

My babywearing friend had also brought over her woven wrap to try. It sat on my dresser for a couple weeks, but I kept seeing pictures of other mamas on my May Mama facebook group wearing their babies in these wraps. Finally I decided I would give it a try. I watched some YouTube videos and attempted my first carry with the woven wrap.

I didn't do a great job, but it worked enough for me to fall even more madly in love with babywearing. There's just something about that piece of material wrapped around the both of us, hugging him so gently, yet firmly, close to me. No buckles, no straps. Just me, him, and a long piece of fabric. It felt more close, more warm, and more natural.

Oh my God, I LOVE wearing my baby!

I can wear him for hours, and he loves it too. He can see everything from up high. If he's tired he can lay his head on my chest and hear my beating heart while he sleeps. I can feel his little chest breathing in, breathing out. I can kiss his soft head, and drink in his baby smell.

They say that babies that are worn are happier and cry less. I have no comparison, but I do know we get told all the time how quiet and happy our baby is. Yes, he has his moments (hours?), but in general he is a happy baby so far.

They also say that babies that are worn feel more secure and confident. Again, I have no idea exactly how true this is, and at 6 months old he isn't quite at that "stranger danger" stage yet. But, he is very easy going so far. Calm in crowds when he's passed from stranger to stranger. Calm when he wakes up in a strange place. Calm when anyone holds him. He's only just begun exhibiting a preference for me, but so far only when he's very tired. I'm interested to see how his demeanor continues to develop. Will he still be happy, calm, confident and secure? Does wearing him help with this?

I think there are so many benefits to being close with your children, being affectionate, touchy-feely. It's validating and makes them feel loved. It strengthens your bond. But now I mostly wear him because I love it.
He doesn't need to be held all the time anymore. I can get things done while he naps. But when a few days go by and I realize I haven't worn him, I bring out that wrap and strap him to me. We go for walks and very rarely use a stroller. We go grocery shopping and he doesn't need to sit in the dirty metal cart or stay cramped in his car seat. I just love having him close to me, and it's so much easier than trying to push a stroller through narrow aisles, or lugging him around in his car seat. I can use the stairs while people with strollers have to search out ramps or elevators. I can easily walk through crowds. And I can do it all knowing that my baby is safe, and happy. He'll stay for hours in the wrap or carrier, happily switching between napping and observing. Which means I get more time to do the things I want to do without being stressed out by a crying baby.

It's something I knew I would do even before he was born. But it's not something I expected to reach so far into me and become such an important part of my emotional bond with him. I'm going to keep wearing him for as long as he'll tolerate it. And my heart will break a little the day he no longer does.

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