
Friday, November 9, 2012

Can I Have an "A" for Effort...?

I've never really been the domestic type. I hate cooking, and I really hate cleaning. Laundry can bite me. Grocery shopping is okay because I get to spend money. I tell people I love to bake, but if I was really being honest I'd have to admit I actually just love the end result, not the process.

Before the baby I kept myself really busy. I worked full time. I was in school. Then I finished school and started volunteering. I worked seasonal jobs during Christmas, while still volunteering and working at my regular job. My husband was busy too, working full time and studying his butt off to obtain a financial designation.

So housework and cooking were always the last priorities. It worked for us because neither of us wanted to do that stuff anyway.

But now I'm on maternity leave, and it's come to that point where the baby is finally on a predictable schedule. He naps (they're short naps, but I'll take it!) and he's not feeding around the clock anymore. So this means that, unfortunately, I actually have time in the day to clean and cook. Thankfully, my husband doesn't expect much out of me other than making sure the baby is alive and taken care of (which I really appreciate because he understands that taking care of a baby all day is hard work), but when I look around the house I start to feel a little guilty and like I *should* be doing something other than staring at the computer while the baby is sleeping.

Also, I think knowing that it's not actually expected of me kind of makes me want to at least try this domestic thing. It's so much more relaxing to be in a clean house. And it's kind of nice to have supper ready for my husband when he comes home from work.

I'm still light years away from being some sort of Domestic Goddess, but at least I've been putting in an effort. I try to make a meal plan for the week (although sometimes this doesn't actually get done until Wednesday or Thursday). I drag the baby with me to do the grocery shopping. I try to spend at least 20 minutes a day cleaning up so that the mess doesn't pile up as much. I aim to prepare supper at least 3 days out of the 5.
And on a good day, when I've tidied the house, made supper, and put myself together, I feel incredibly accomplished. I hate to admit it, but I actually kind of, sort of, like being home and getting these things done.

Of course, there are still many days when I don't do as much as I feel that I should. Or I decide I'm not doing anything at all. I'm tired, the baby didn't sleep well the night before, or I just feel downright lazy. On those days, my husband comes home and supper isn't ready. The dishes are still in the sink. Toys are scattered around the house. The kitchen table looks like a paper bomb exploded. I just look at him and say, "I didn't make supper. I didn't do anything at all today." He just shrugs and says, "That's okay." And then I think I love him even more, and feel ready to get back on that domestic horse the next day....Well, maybe the day after that...

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