
Monday, December 17, 2012

Sleep Struggles Update...

Last week I wrote about the sleep struggles we've been having, and my plan to attempt to fix them. If anyone is wondering how my brilliant plan to gently sleep train my son is going...Well, it's not. I keep forgetting he's smarter than me.

My unpredictable little non-sleeper decided two days in that he wasn't having any of that 9 p.m. nap he had been taking, so most of our nights last week were spent just trying to get him to go to sleep before midnight.

Last night was the peak of our frustration, as the little man decided he would have no part in sleeping before 1 a.m., and that as long as he was up he would spend his time whining, screaming and generally fussing. Good times, good times.

However, as it turns out our latest sleep battles may have something to do with the new skill Mr. little Man as somehow learned. Two nights ago he started army crawling, and last night he was really getting the hang of it. I've read that sleepless and difficult nights often correlate with the addition of new skills.

And we do have some small sleep victories to celebrate. The first two nights of my wake-to-sleep plan gave us a little bit of progress, and we've seen some of those longer sleep stretches return even in the nights with difficult bedtimes. Also, last night after he finally conked out at 1 am, he woke up again just before 2 am. I didn't go to him right away and he ended up fussing for a bit and then falling back asleep on his own. He didn't wake again until 5:30 a.m. to eat!

OH! And although I was SO frustrated while trying to get him to sleep last night that I just wanted to shove my head through the window, I didn't. So that's a victory worth raising my box glass of wine to!

Tonight I did manage to get him down at 9 pm, so I'll start the wake-to-sleep method again and hope for more progress this week! Wish us luck!

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