
Monday, December 10, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree

We put up the old Christmas tree this weekend- It's been 2 years since we last put it up!
(This post also coincides with Tiny Tree Huggers Photo Challenge Day #7 - A picture of our Christmas tree!)

The past few years we have made ourselves so busy outside of our home, that putting up the Christmas tree was just another thing we didn't have time to do and we wouldn't be around to enjoy it anyway. But everything changes when you have a little one! It's funny how things can get busier and crazier when you add a baby, but at the same time other things just slow right down. Now that I'm at home all the time I was really looking forward to having the tree up. And although he won't remember, we have to make Sam's first Christmas a special one!

So this past weekend we ordered pizza, bought a bottle of wine, propped Sam up in his circle of neglect exersaucer so he could watch us, and we put up the tree!

Sadly, our tree is fake. We did get a real tree our first year in our house, but by the next year we had our dog and we were worried that the obnoxious puppy would eat the pine needles. So we opted for fake, but it's temporary. One day when we're in a bigger house and have a fireplace, we'll start getting real trees again. That's the dream anyway.

Our tree is less impressive than I remember it. It's skinny and isn't very full. But it came with lights, so that's a plus! And it's pretty tall. And I love it even if it isn't "perfect".

I cut the top of the tree out of the picture on purpose- we're missing our star and I haven't had a chance to get a new one yet. I made a bow out of some ribbon and threw it on up there, but I think it looks weird.

Also, the tree is looking pretty bare underneath! Can't wait to get started on putting some presents under there!

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