
Friday, December 7, 2012

It's a Wrap

It's Day 6 of Tiny Tree Hugger's Photo Challenge! I'm pretty proud of myself for only missing one day so far!

Today's assignment is to take a picture of Christmas wrapping paper:

This is what I'm working with this year. A mishmash of wrapping paper from years past (passed?)
Usually I try to pick a creative (and greener) way to wrap gifts, or I pick a colour theme. This year I'm just going to use what we've got because our budget is a little more strict this Christmas, and I'm lacking the creative energy to pick a theme or come up with a cooler way to wrap gifts. Plus this stuff is taking up way too much space- it barely fits in that container.

Besides, it feels like our list of people we buy for is getting shorter and shorter as more people are opting not to partake in the traditional gift-giving, so I'm actually feeling a little defeated. What's the point in putting effort into wrapping gifts when I feel like people don't even care about receiving them? I know that gifts are not the reason for the season, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I really do enjoy gift exchanges.

So I'm using what little creative energy I have to do some Christmas baking this year. Just because people don't want to exchange gifts doesn't mean they're going to get away with not receiving anything at all from me!

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