
Monday, December 3, 2012

On the First Day of Christmas my True Love Gave to me...

Okay, so the assignment for Day #4 of Tiny Tree Hugger's 12 Days of Christmas Photo Challenge is to take a picture of something that represents your favourite Christmas song.

So here it is:

Nothing says Christmas and True Love like a beer!

Yes, that is a beer.

To be completely honest (and I know people will think I'm insane), I strongly dislike Christmas music. I can tolerate it on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but other than that it makes twitch. An angry twitch.

I blame working in the mall in my teen years, when Christmas music would start playing on November 1 and continue until the New Year. To this day I'd rather shove a fork in my eye than listen to almost any Christmas song before Christmas Eve.

But I'm not a total Scrooge- I did say "almost any" Christmas carol. There are a select few that I actually like and will happily listen to before Christmas. Number 1 on that list- The 12 Days of Christmas by Bob and Doug McKenzie! Canadian Christmas classic! If beer and backbacon don't scream Christmas, then I don't know what does ;)

Runner's up include:

Drummer Boy - by Justin Bieber featuring Busta Rhymes (the rap solos crack me up every. time. Seriously, listen to it! It's so horrible you can't help but love it!) 

All I Want for Christmas - the Mariah Carey version! (I'm a little bit of a closet Mariah Carey fan. Plus this song is so catchy and upbeat, it's hard not to tap your feet to the beat!)

What about you? Do you love the classics, or do you prefer the funny ones?

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