
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Legwarmers- Not Just for Girls and Bad 80s Aerobics Videos Anymore!

So I've already professed my love of cloth diapers and babywearing...I think it's time I profess another one of my loves: Baby Legwarmers

Back in my preggo days, while scouring Etsy for various baby products, I realized I was being bombarded with ridiculously cute pictures of little babies wearing onesies with ...legwarmers? Not just girl babies, but boy babies too! Before getting pregnant I hadn't even realized this was an actual thing. But the deeper you get into the world of baby stuff, the more you realize just how many things are out there that you never even knew existed.

Baby leg warmers are one of those things. And I very quickly went from thinking "Huh...those are kinda weird" to "THOSE ARE THE BEST THINGS EVER!".

So let me tell you why baby leg warmers are AMAZING inventions that no parent should go without!

First and foremost, they are just so much easier than pants. When babies are newborns they pee and poop around the clock. You're changing diapers all day long. Sure, diaper changes are easy because the newborns essentially lay there like little blobs of cuteness, but taking pants off and then putting them back on continuously is practically useless. Then as the baby gets older they might need diaper changes less often, except by this time your little blob has morphed into a little person who, at some point while you weren't looking, managed to learn Irish dancing and break dancing- and can do them at the same time! How do these little people manage to contort their bodies this way??? So basically, by this point just getting the diaper back on the baby is a huge challenge, never mind attempting pants! Baby leg warmers solve these problems completely. You can keep your baby's legs warm without having to mess around with pants. Diaper changes are so much easier!

Second, and maybe most important, they are really cute. They come in so many colours and designs that you can find a pair to match pretty much any outfit you have for your baby. And it doesn't matter if your baby is a boy. Babies can get away with wearing pretty much anything. I mean, do you think it's "girly" for a baby boy to wear a onesie, considering in the 80s it was all the rage for girls to wear them? To me, as long as the colours are neutral a baby boy can totally rock a pair of legwarmers without looking like a baby girl. And honestly, do we really need to project that degree of gender stereotyping on a little baby?

Third, those legwarmers are great at protecting little knees when baby starts rolling over and then flailing about like a fish out of water. They also protect little knees when babies start crawling.

Fourth, when it's cold outside and you have to dress your baby in pants out of necessity, they make great layering pieces for that little bit of extra warmth. Plus they cover the skin that would otherwise be exposed in that inevitable gap between the baby's pant leg and socks when you pick them up.

Five, when your baby grows up into a toddler, they can be used as very handy arm-warmers under t-shirts.

Legwarmers have become a staple in our house, despite my husband's extreme dislike of them (that silly "too girly" argument). And yeah, I've heard my fair share of comments from family members who also think they look silly, or are girly, or whatever. But these aren't the people changing my baby's diapers every day so I could care less what they think. If they don't like the legwarmers I will gladly dress my little guy in pants when they babysit, and they can wrestle with getting them off and on him all they like. But personally, I choose convenience.

Oh, the other great thing about baby leg warmers is that babies don't outgrow them as quickly as they do with everything else! In fact, they grow into them at first, so a pair of legwarmers will take you from newborn all the way through to toddler. At 6 months Sam has already grown out of a massive pile of clothes. But the one thing that has stayed consistent in his wardrobe are his legwarmers. So we only need minimal numbers of pants, which means I actually end up saving money because generally legwarmers are cheaper than pants. That's why I'm not ashamed to admit I have over 20 pairs of them. He's been wearing them since he was just over 2 months old, and will continue to wear them for many more months to come!

Leg warmer love!

I do want to clarify that baby leg warmers aren't always cheaper than pants, but they certainly can be if you look for good prices. The Babyleg brand name will run you about $14.95 in the stores (from what I've seen), which to me is kind of crazy. But, I have found some wicked deals on Babylegs on daily deal sites like You just have to watch for them and be ready! Also, check out Etsy. There's tons of fun designs and colours, plus the added benefit of supporting small home-based businesses. Last but not least, I personally like MyLittleLegs for legwarmers. They have a huge selection, offer bulk discounts and free shipping in Canada and the US, and they also have great customer service. They sent me the wrong pair of legwarmers in one of my orders and the response to my email was almost immediate. Before the end of the day they confirmed they were sending out the right pair, plus they told me they didn't want to inconvenience me further by making me send the wrong pair back!

So yeah, I love baby leg warmers. I'd shout it from a mountain if I could! And maybe, one day, I'll look back at my son's baby pictures and wonder what I was thinking...But for now, if dressing my baby in legwarmers is wrong then I don't wanna be right...

Baby's First Legwarmers - and it looks like he loves them!

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